Konstfack - Degree Exhibition 2012 / Vårutställning 2012

Jakob Solgren

Jakob Solgren
Det tyst talande språket

Untitled x 2

Reflection of a drawn circle


Untitled “grävspade”


“…The rooms we inhabit, the skyscrapers we work in, the gridlike arrangements of our streets, the freeway we cruise on our daily commute speak to us in straight lines. We have learned to play by Eucliden rules because two thousand years of geometric training have engraved the grid in our minds. But in the early nineteenth century mathematicians became aware of a space in which lines cavorted in aberrant formations, suggesting the existence of new geometry.”*

* = Margaret Wertheim and Christine Wertheim, 2009 i: Eleey, Peter The quick and the     dead


Year of birth: 1976
Place of birth: Shiraz, Iran
Phone: 46702167606